Citations is an app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and visionOS that allows students to create references for their academic papers in MLA, APA, Chicago, IEEE, and Harvard formats. Features include:
A native design for all of Apple’s platforms, with a heavy importance given to beauty. Every element of the app is beautifully crafted, complies with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines, and looks great on every device. It’s just as if Apple made a citation creator.
The quickest citation generation in the world. Citations is lightning-quick with absolutely zero latency. The app doesn’t hang, crash, or take an eternity to load. It’s instantaneous, allowing you to do your work quickly. Everything happens in just the blink of an eye.
A simple user interface. Many other reference managers are cluttered, with unnecessary features and buttons strewn throughout the app or website. Citations, by contrast, only has a handful of buttons — clearly labeled, accessible to all, and easy to understand. There is no need to be an expert computer user or read a user guide to use Citations.
No advertisements, trackers, pop-ups, auto-playing videos, or other nuisances. Other websites are filled to the brim with nonsense that gets in the way of your work. Citations is focused on one thing and one thing only: making life easier for hardworking students. If you’re in a rush and just want to cite some sources, Citations has got you covered. The app is completely private and works without an internet connection, too, and it only takes up minimal space on your device.
If that sounds great, here’s a deal: Citations is completely free. It’s made by a student tired of spam-filled, junky websites that are slow, full of unnecessary buttons, and are just plain frustrating to use. Citations is there to help you do your work effortlessly — not to make millions of dollars. No venture capital, no data selling, and no spying — and certainly no tricky free trials.
Beautiful, fast, simple, and private — that’s Citations. Download it today on the App Store and see if it’s right for you. And if you need help or have questions, send me an email at